Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Gang of Kozhikkode


In Goa's embrace, where the waves softly play,

I met my dear batch mates on a sun-kissed day.

Beneath the palm's shade and a sky so clear,

New friendships blossomed, and laughter drew near.

The sea whispered secrets as we shared our tales,

With hearts wide open and spirits that sail.

From dawn's gentle light to the moon's tender glow,

In each other's company, our bonds began to grow.

My birthday dawned, a day so bright,

Celebrations sparked in the warm Goa night.

With cake and music, and dancing so free,

Joy flowed around us like the waves of the sea.

Under the stars, with smiles and cheer,

We danced through the night, holding memories dear.

The music played on, our spirits soared high,

In the magic of friendship, time seemed to fly.

As dawn painted colors across the wide sky,

We knew that the moment of farewell was nigh.

Yet in our hearts, a promise did bloom,

To meet once again, and to banish the gloom.

Though we part ways, our hearts stay entwined,

In messages and memories, our ties are defined.

Till we gather once more, another place another time,

We'll cherish these moments, so vivid, so bright.

So here's to the laughter, the dance, and the fun,

To the bonds that we've made, now tightly spun.

We'll meet again soon, under the starry skies,

Till then, dear friends, it's never goodbye.

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