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Big wide eyes. We see this world with curiosity. Vibrant colors, fun and excitement around us. Strangers fight for our attention. Dad's day long tensions are relieved on a glimpse of our smile. At times he make faces! He is definitely jealous 'cos mom gives more attention to us. Days were short and nights were long. Everyone were at our disposal They would do anything just to see us smile!

We got a new home called school. Our day starts with a fight over breakfast and milk. Mom transforms to a superwoman with eight arms and legs => she cooks, cleans, helps us with our bathe, uniforms, lunch boxes, homeworks, helps dad with the same other than homeworks :) helps herself, all in no time! Morning bells, inspections, prayers - God knows if I really meant what I prayed! "Oh God, father of mankind..." oops I forgot the prayer! Wait for the intervals always seemed long! Moral Science class was the best 'cos our teacher used to tell us stories. Highly skilled games like "book cricket", "name-place-animal-thing", "pen fight"made us busy all day. During intervals we ran and ran and ran until our white shirts became either brown with all the mud in the ground or red with our own blood! The best days in our life - energy was at its fullest and we din meet ego - not then!

Career - One word which screwed our happiness. Life became more or less mechanical. We woke up early morning, went to tuition, went to school/college, studied and slept. We were surrounded with books - text books, note books, guides, model test papers, answer keys and what not. Dad and mom had nothing else to talk. Suddenly they were interested in the first rank holder of the class. Comparisons were done with the girl next door.Saddest part => our neighbour always has more marks than us! How we long to go back to our childhood, to play in the rain, to fight for a coffee bite, to just be a child!

Definition of friendship changes. Our childhood friend with whom we used to roll on mud, who shared our laughter, who was one in the family, suddenly looks "gorgeous", "handsome" or simply put "hot"! Infatuation plays her magic on us. "Love" is the keyword. Status "Single" is considered as sin. Love is often interpreted as lust and romance as sex. Imaginations and creativity finds new heights. A kiss or a hug becomes status of pride. Oh you thought its childish? We call it generation gap! You still live in 16th century, we are old enough to talk about sex!

Love is born. The world seems to be a better place to be in. You love the raindrops, the rainbow, slow music tracks and even humming of birds. You blush when he gives you a compliment. Suddenly you feel there is someone in this world for you. All these days you were alone, waiting for this very one! Why din he/she meet me earlier? Possessiveness and love are twin sisters. Ego and possessiveness are best friends. Ego admires fight and their relationship gives birth to pain. Maybe that's why love and pain have more or less same market share! Even if love brings in pain at times, trust me, love is magical. The very thought of having someone whom you could hug in both smiles and tears is magical. Silence shared is pure. The very touch of your love could heal your pain. Don't believe me? Experience it. One word of caution for all those who are expecting to experience love soon => if you start hating someone you love, your worst enemy would seem more friendly! its the risk attached with love. Ask me, its worth taking the risk. If you succeed, there is nothing like it. If you fail, you learn a lot. Its a win-win situation. You either become a lover or a philosopher :-)
Alright guys, i lived till here. You and I grow together. Pay regular visits. Maybe after ten years I would consider writing about family, children and responsibilities under the header "transformations -2"
Very interesting post Sawan! Gave me a quick rundown on LIFE as it unfolds for us.
but I dunno if I'd be here after 10yrs, cos Im already feeling the need to break away from it all...
keshi, our thoughts are highly attached with our emotions. Our emotions are entangled with people we interact or like to interact quite often. Since these people are not consistent through out their life, so are our emotions. Varying emotions leads to fluctuating thoughts. However, negative vibrations tend to linger longer in our minds giving us a feel that the life is not worth it.
On an other note, love in any form is always demanding. You tend to expect a lot from the person you love - maybe your parents, maybe friends or maybe some one else. Accept it or not, we love a person for certain qualities in him or her - maybe the way they talk, maybe the way they handle things, maybe the way they make you feel, or maybe their looks. All these qualities are highly varying! No one including you could carry a consistent nature be it in deeds or looks. So when the quality with which we are in love fluctuates, so does our love. It doesnt mean that there's something wrong with the relationship. You just need to realize what makes the difference and act accordingly.
Sometimes life gives you enough frustrations. You just need to realize or assure yourself that you are not alone. Take my case. I was feeling as if I am facing a war all alone. I was so frustrated. I did nothing other than official works. If I smile today, I believe its mainly because of your words. Words of people whom I dont know. I dont even know the real names of many of my friends over here. Even then thay helped me smile. Keshi, you never know whats in store for you tomorrow. If you cant face it today, that only means that you are not ready to face it. Take your own time and prepare for the fight. I am sure your life would rock. Trust me Keshi, your life is worth it, make it large.
waiting to read transformations-2 :P
Well... I loved this post immensely and I can relate to it for sure.
Have a gr8 day!
@scrawler : already waiting? ;-) 10 years may fast forward, but i need a wife first :P
@harshita: Thnx dear. u have a good day too. take care.
aww ty that means alot to me! Every word u said it so true.
but I feel the more I build r'ships, the sooner they all ditch me n leave...even in blogville. Its becoming too much to handle...
I mean, it seems Im the only one who's always FEELING...the rest seem to move on somehow.
if they move on, understand that they are not satisfied with what u gave them. if not, they are just too busy. in either case, you better lie low cos people who love you would always be there with you. People who think that they no more love you may move on, be open to that change. When nothing around you is stable how do you expect a relationship to be? ofcourse it pains, and that pain should last, not very long. dont be choosy on what you do based on past pains. be yourself and cherish present relationships. life is too short for burning thoughts. in this pain, let the dream of tomorrow bring you smile.
i wish i could be of any help!
wow!beautiful post buddy. really liked the way u hav written abt the different phases of life. :) I m stuck in the phase of love and i mus say everything is beautiful!! Very well written.
such a beautiful post re luved it simply
hey.. u too played 'book cricket'n 'name-place-animal-thing'?? so cool..this post reminded me of my own transformation :) :)
Sawan, u've turned into a philosopher so i gather ....
All the Best man..u rightly said to Keshi.. our lives r worth it so lets make it Large !!!
Cheers :)
i played d 'name-place-animal-thing' too. Oh and us gals had these 'aao-milo-silo-saalo' types too wid d hands. Childhood ws such fun. U cud do netin n not look dumb.
yes,seems our 'Ruffle Soul' has become a philosopher ;)
@ria: happy for you girl. lucky are those who experience love!
@priya: thnx dear :-)
@vins: oooh.. same games :-)
philosopher? :-) r u teasing me?? ;-)
'aao-milo-silo-saalo? sounds good :-) what is it?
childhood was heaven! how i wish i could go back!
@scrawler : why dont you guys help me in bringing back the "lover" :-) you could check the requirement list in kerala matrimony :-) m sure you guys would have a better database hehe..
i always loved two terms which started with P : Psychology and Philosophy! I love to listen to looong conversations about life and peoples experiences.. trust me, i am a wonderful listener :-)
Nice post, helped me reposses the past while I read through....Thnx.
@traveller: thnx for your words traveller. they mean a lot.
ty Sawan I know wut u mean. Its just that I hate being rejected or thrown out. And that has happened with few good friends...who used to be by my side like day n night.
Anyways lets see how I go. tnxx alot for ur support!
that too when we look behind..i mean into the past...we miss and we feel like those were the best days of life...
waiting for the rest to come..
nice post buddy..
made me a bit nostalgic..
@keshi: who likes being rejected? its tha way of life and it would go on. m sure the people who surround you would help you smile.
@vinz: welcome here. words like this is sure an honor especially when it comes from a wonderful writer like you!
Nice....... remembrances are always gr8888....but u knw wen u r at that age, u always wanna grow up :)
Loved the post and waiting for the next one!!!
@meghna: grass at the other shore always look greener :-) u take care girlie.. have fun..
u sure r a great listener n a problem solver !!
scrawler & me saw this side of urs, u know this 'deeper side' of urs only now na..until u posted this one :)
BUT, u were a philosopher n a deep thinker all the bloody time!!!
Amazed to c this side to u too, n when's the 'deeper insights' coming up?
@vins: deeper insights?? everything pops up at the right time :P
howz u?
I agree. tnxx!
@keshi : its a pleasure to be with you.
:) True...That would be the Law of Right Timing!!
doing good as always..thanks buddy:)
@vins: a new law?? what do you want to be? a poet, a writer, a scientist oe some one else? :p
hey..a really good post dear..reminded me the childhood dayz..i wish those dayz were back again..but i knw that life is a big philosophy..n each n evry phase teaches u a new lesson..we bettr learn it..this is the way life is..
anywayz tanx 4 visiting my blog n droppin cmmnt..
good day..
just wish to be helpful:)
@swati: welcome here. life sure is a philospher. the biggest problem is that it shows us all faces for the same scene and ask us to choose our vote! so people who choose negative vibes grow in it and people who takes positive vibes grow ter! :-) good day to you too..
@vins: how modest :-)
That is a very good portrayal of our life.. Most of the things hold true for me, although the 'childhood friend-turned-hot-gal' thing didnt happen in my life (I didnt have any childhood female friends.. All my friends were boys !)
Nice post, mate !
@sadique: welcome here. thnx for your words :-)
:)ok never seen many turning into philosophers......is success rate so high!!!!!!!
@aparna: you never know..! things are better experienced :-) welcome here..
i read the first para.. i thot u stole my heart (nt in literally meaning)
I read second.. i saw a child in u. ur pic always gives a diff vibes, i wish u can change it to more relax u.
How beautifully expressed -- Imaginations and creativity finds new heights.
Ur expression is awesome. LoVED THE POST!!
@nidhi: happy that you liked it.
looks are deceptive nidhi. maybe i am still a stupid child who loves to dream and who wish to be loved. but to survive in this dangerously self centered world, everyone ought to wear masks :-)your words are encouraging. thnx for being kind to share the luxury of your time. take care.
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