hatred souls, angels of terror,
balance insanity and brilliance,
oath takers, protectors, gaurdians,
dictates, whines then pleads!
unfortunate souls, the comon men,
wanders through the corridor of life
struggles, survives, dreams,
only to be killed by the unknown!
its time to react. its time to crush them. lets show the terrorists the real meaning of terror.
This is my contribution to this week's 3WW (Three Word Wednesday).
Strong words... am with you on that.
I'm a resident of US for past 5 years and ppl around here drop by sharing their grief. The terror strike has really affected them but what i have been sharing with them is daily there are some deaths in Kashmir and in some north eastern states which are don't come into our notice.
Terror on Mumbai has really brought the focus globally. Infact the area where i live did organize a candle march last weekend in memeory of the departed souls
I really hope and wish for a terror free India / World.
nice work anu,tell me if we can be of some help..am with you too
i stand by you adna there are lot many Indians in this line....we will be there with Mumbai but what i wish is not just standing in such dificult times but to wish that it will not happen again in the future.....
strong words Sawan...!!!
Welcome to 3WW. Such a powerful piece. I am with you in spirit.
@Harshitha: Thnx. We could change things happen. I was a lil sad listening to the news today. people were so angry. Ms.Rice had softness in her speech and Pranab din give any clue on whats gona happen! I just wish someone destroy the terror training camps across the border..
@Josh: Welcome here. Josh, its true that Kashmir witness terror on a day to day basis. It doesnt form news cos its more or less like a routine now! There ratings of the channel does not go up if they cover Kashmir attacks with similar interest. The tension has been there from the independence of the countries. Mumbai definitely has a difference. Its the financial capital of India. The attack was concentrated on foreigners, and the terrorists dared to show their face in daylight! Even I hope things would be different in the future. Lets hope for the best.
@divz: your words are sure encouragement dear. keep up ur spirits and face the reality with me. thats the best support u could give me!
@dil ki pyar: thnx for your kind words. Of course we all hope it would not repeat in future. but the fact being that the intelligence already got an email signed by deccan mujahiddin warning India about another attack in Delhi soon, its disturbing. more over today about five militants fired at police in Hyderabad and rescued an ISI agent from them. I wonder why the news was missing in major news channels!
@ThomG: Your kind words are more than an a token of appreciation for me. Thnx.
Sawan saar...hey buddy, man this is so cool...u brought it out so well, mate!!
way to go:):)
thanks for standing with us, India is UNITED!!
true...we may die from illness or accidents, but to be KILLED in this manner should not be put up with anymore!
Good writeup Sawan. Lets hope ppl will open their eyes atleast now and not forget wut happened last week.
@Vins: You are my inspiration, how could i let you down? :-)
@Keshi: From the words of politicians its clear that they havnt learned a lesson. A bomb was diffused from CST yesterday [one full week after it was planted] can you believe it?
I just wish this havoc gets over fast..I just wish..what is happening ..and the way ppl hav cum up ..it may happen with every issue..as a check to to ruling party...
yeah high time it is..now giv should kick some real ass..!
gud post :D
lovely work yo. I tried something like this. but not for the 3WW dint know there was something like that.
I'm with u ro....always will be agaisnt terror....its actaully a terror to young sould lyk mi too.....
BTW, why ANGELS of terror?
@priya: every Indian wishes the same today.. atlst this time they should keep the votebank politics aside :-(
@peter: and i should say kick it real hard :-)thnx mate..
@WfC: thnx for ur kind words sir.. ive been to ur space. it was worth the read..
@Meghna: swthrt, hvnt we read that all creations of God are beautiful. Even these terrorists have come out of wombs.. we never know how they were moulded into the skin they are now in.. they are angels of terror, the demons surely are people who close their eyes to reality, the ones who planned this attack and the ones who motivated these souls.. the ones who betrayed their mother for reasons unknown.. the ones who sow the seeds of terrorism in to young minds.. the real culprits who rest in the background..
Powerful words. Terrorism affects everyone and my hope is that someday peace can be found worldwide. Have a nice day.
Whoa! Very strong piece.
yep I read abt it on the news. Guess they dunno that Ignorance has a limit too!
@Michelle: Welcome here. I just wish that "someday when peace would be found worldwide" is not a long shot.
@Angel: Thnx Angel. Welcome here.
@Keshi: looks like that. have to wait and watch how they are gona react this time!
wow! such strong words! just wish that some reaction would really follow finally!
@Lena: Wish the same yaar.
@ sawan...I am lateeeee...
"wanders through the corridor of life
struggles, survives, dreams,
only to be killed by the unknown!"
this is the story of the common man...has been the same for centuries :(
@ JOSH...where in California do you live...I have a friend there.. he never heard of any candle march ?
hey you. something new?
@Sen: seems like its high time to rewrite the story and seems like politics is resisting huge to the rewrite :-( people are in anguish and they are back with the blame game :-(
i seriously wish atlst one senior politician was stuck in any of those hotels :-(
@WfC: din undrstn :-(
Absolutely withu on tht
infact i have sumthn i have writtin on this but m onna publish it sometime later... cuz i bel we indian forgett n move on with time... hope not this time
just too much to take this time!
@ HnS : Its not that everyone is heartless and forgets the past. We move on, we could see that trait everywhere. In relationships, dnt we move on? We are not programed to cry for ever,nor does we spent our entire life in shock.
This mumbai terror attack, if the media din cover it so well and so long, do you think we would be mourning about it today? we need constant reminders and our political system takes advantage of it :-) blame our self!
with u... and high time we got out of our warm lives out of the couch and did something before its too late...
@Swayam: Welcome here. I would say its already too late and our administration fails to acknowledge it! Its sad that they actually used Mumbai attacks as a tool for elections!
sad, brutal n merciless.. :(.. uncivilised tyrants those terrorists
@tinkerbell: what more could we expect? :)
yes me too is with u :)
@Preetz: Welcome here. and thnx for your words :-)
hows u Sawan? :)
Hi Sawan!
Sorry for being late in coming to your blog...
that was a very strong one dear.. the line "balance insanity and brilliance".. it hit me... i loved it... !!! I always love strong words :)
@Keshi: Pretty good Keshi. Thnx. I am sorry I coudln mail you, have no access to office mail box at home.. :( mt citrix sesion aint working, don know why. hence cudnt login remotely. hwz it goin at your end?
@Meher: Thnx for your words Meher. Strong feelings sure demands stronger words! The least thing I could do is let out my anger, my sadness and my concern through words. Take care Meher. Keep the smile on, m sure you look less beautiful without it.
Absolutely right and i m all for it!
@Ria: read so much of articles online supporting the views.. m wondering why are we not seeing any movements or changes even after so much of public opinions :-(
hey thats ok. why say sorry? :)
sawan - what is it with you bud.. you keep on disappearing these days.. that too quite frequently.. I am sure you are on some hunt man..
Sawan saar...is everything fine at ur end?
dont bottle it up, its pickling now..we dont want that..
what hunt n all? whatever, pls share it with us, wont u???
@ ST: i am proving to be a gemini. mind keeps on drifting :)
@vins: everything is perfect swthrt. its just that my words aint keeping up with my mind :-) happens at times.. ill be more regular now :) and yes, i wud definitely share it all here.. who else do i share it with? :)
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