Leya woke up to the disturbing sound of the alarm clock. Sigh! "I couldn't utter those words even today" she thought. She glanced at her right leg. "The wound is healing".
Sister Silvia was a patron of the orphanage. Leya was seven when Silvia had found her in the dustbin near the orphanage - another victim of child abuse.
The sweet heart she was, Leya soon became the soul of the orphanage. This place inspired her to smile, taught her to dream and helped her heal her wounds! She was a happy soul though missed her mamma. She hadn't seen her mamma till date. Every night she dreamt of a mansion and she sleeping in her mamma's lap, blissfully secure. She wanted to tell something to her mamma, but every day she woke up before she could!
Sister Silvia walked into her room. "Baby, wake up, dress smart. Some one is coming to see you." She rolled her hands through Leya's hair and smiled at her wonder. "Your dream might just come true" she said. She hugged her. Her eyes were wet!
Leya opened her eyes when the car came to a stop. She looked out and saw a beautiful mansion. She pinched herself for reassurance. She held the hands which pampered her, looked into the eyes and spoke "Mamma, I missed you so much. Please hold me tight and be with me always". A tear rolled out, but the happiness in her eyes knew no bound!
This is a story I have written for the "Ascension" short fiction contest going on here. I would like to thank Jason Evans for organising such a beautiful contest thereby providing a platform for some quality reading. I also wish all the very best to all the contestants. If you haven't participated yet, then rush your entries. Contest closes on 14th of this month.
sister silvia and the happy home is missing her...
beautiful story.. i wish this would have been a real one...
oye gimme some link to look for nice template na
hey.. nice story.. n thankx for informing bout the story contest..
Hey.. u a gemini..mee too a gemini..my birthay is on 11th june.. quite close to yours..
mine is on 10th june!
Hero! small correction/clarification needed. Leya was seven when Silvia had found her in the dustbin near the orphanage - Seven months or seven years?if it is seven years...make a slight alteration...Seven year old kid seen in a dustbin?instead of dustbin...try something else...
Sorry if i offended you...by constructive criticism
Sawan saar...oye yaar, kya baath hain:) sweet story:) my best wishes for u..gift certificate se kya loge?? mujhe ek 'winnie the pooh' charm chahiye:):)
thanks for sharing the link...:( lekin competition bad gayi:(
near the dustbin outside the orphanage - yeh kaisa rahega??
just in case u can send a revised version..
great reading dear.....nice story..!!!
thanks for letting us know about the contest....!!!
All the very best to you and all the contestants too...!!!
Karmanna, thnx a lot for your words. m sure people like Siste Silvia does exist around us. :)
Nidzie, these are some which i check :
its ur blog, dont forget to customize it. :) take care.
Riya, You are always welcome. Hope to see ya there :)
Riya. wow.... same pinch :) ive got another friend who sahres the date with you :) so ill remember it next time :) take care.
scrawler, seems like we are in a row :P 10,11 & 12 :P
thnx for the question, you did think a lot reading the story :P
maybe i had a bigger dustbin in mind while writing this :) ive seen bins here in hyderabad which are large enough to accomodate me, so maybe there is one near the orphanage too :)thnx for sharing the thought.
vinnie darlin okies, deal, 'winnie the pooh' charm aapka hoga :) par shipping charges aap doge?? mere khayal se amazon india mein nahi hein :P
copetiotion tho badna hi hein, thabhi tho maza aayega :P
thnx for the suggestion, but ill leave it the way it is :P
yamini, happy tht u liked it! you could sure spend some time while doing research on colleges.. they invite descriptive poems too!
No hero..i didn't think...even if it is a lare dustbin...how come a seven year old child in that???
btw...ya..i know hyd have large dustbins..;)..its one of my most fav place..i've spent sveral months in secunderabad!
Scrawler, i am online nw.. a lil busy though. just check my status and ping me as soon as its green. on a call now :) or u cud just leave a msg there.
sawan - nice story.. and the best part.. it has a positive ending.. but I agree to scrawler..!! I know you dont want to change it but what the heck.. we are free to express our views here ;)
scrawler, never knew u were here in hyd! i know, its a grt plce :) do visit some time :P
ST, yes you are :P and you are always welcome :)
A very very moving read...
Bonne chance!
:) Nice blog bro'! First time 'ere. Keep writing, and see you around.
nice story! :)
sweet :)
now i know whom to call at sleepness nights to tell me stories :P
Isn't it an escalator in the pic? Then whr's the escalator in the story??
But anywya..cutting tht..a good story!
Kartz, thnx sir.. happy u liked it.
Ria, thnx a lot :)
Lena, seems like we great minds think alike :P
sawan...me too for this contest..check my post
Aayushi, the theme was Ascension. For me the picture only justifies the theme of the story, i din see it as an object!
Happy u liked it :)
scrawler, yipeee... wow, i going there :)
dude....ur header is the best ive seen in a while....simply awesome:)
nice story dear!!keep it up
Hey Sawan, nice story dude... It always feels good to be creative!! Njoy!!
Aqua gurl, ths quite an honor. thnz a lot.
swati, thnx for tht. u r quite inspriring :) hav fun
SS, thnx for the good words dear. yes, it always feels good to be so :)
Nice story.....waiting to see many more from u....
beautiful story :)
Aparna, thnx for your kind words :)
Harshita, happy u liked it. thnx for your words :)
Sweet one Anil :)
Poor me.. i can't come up with a single idea for the contest :(
Meher, walk to the terrace, open your mind and feel the breeze. forget your presence for a moment and think of a life alone, flying over clouds and observe fellow beings. m sure you would get one.. you got one more day!
sweet! i guess you like children
Freya, I love them :P
anil, i read this in clarity of night itself! but couldn't comment there! :)
it was beautiful... dreams do indeed come true! nicely written mate! :)
@Sawan: i agree with Vinay , wonderful story and Leya is cute :)
and btw thank you for following the blog...see you around.. :)
Vinay, Words of appreciation from creative writers like you is always an honor. Thnx :)
pink orchid, thank you for your kind words and welcome here. m happy u liked Leya :P She is happy too :)
following your blog is a pleasure. it does promise me a good read :) keep writing.
beautiful story!
But Sawan dun visit me anymore :*(
Very touching.....made me to realize to always stay close to friends and family : )
Oh! so well written.
I've put in an entry too :)
@Sawan: i hope i dont let you down :)
That's a touching story.
All the best for the contest.
very very emotional! short, sweet and simple....happy ending thankfully:)
Keshi, thats not possible!!!! how can sawan not visit Keshi girl?? we wud put him in isolated prison for this.. okies?? :P m rught there girlie.. just got a lil low cos of work life :(
Veni, happy u liked it. Yeah, never loose on them, u never know how they gona touch you :) take care..
Abhi, I read it there. its beautiful. the conv between a dad and his lil one is so beautifully engraved. all the very best :)
orchid, i loved "Who are you? A no-one!".. its so very beautiful. good write up girl.of course u din let me down :)
Arunima, Than a lot for your words. Thnx for the wishes too :)
Kiran [Mithe, m not sure about the name] , thnx for your words. I luv to write on emotions embossed with tears and pain but luv happy endings :P Quite an irony i know :) happy tht u liked it too :)
lol awww...
hey cheerup..shit happens..and it all happens for the best..for us to LEARN from it all.
ter are times wen we wish the people around us [read managers] also learn something from the shit thats happening :P
right now i am all smiles cos its time to logout :P luv u Keshi.
good to know that ur smiling :)
hey Sawan answer my qn in my last post...u cant escape it by saying u were outta ur mind? ;-)
Keshi, i did answer :P i could see that some smart girl never commented on my proposal :P
ty Sawan!
btw u didnt propose to me LOL! u offered me a CONDITION!
:( okies, m going right there..
It certainly isn't going to be easy picking five stories for the readers choice awards. I've been re-reading most entries, trying to decide. Good luck!
JR, you are so true! its so hard to choose when we have so many wonderful options!!
Easy to catch up on your blog as I have read both stories before :P
As I said before,a lovely heartwarming story :)
a heartwarming and a beautiful take on the pic. all the best :)
Sami, ur words are my inspiration :P
Preetzi, i would rather say i was inspired by the theme "Ascension" and not the picture :) thnx a lot for your kind words. means a lot to me :)
wow sawan.. really sweet.. i see other short stories i've been missin on in your blog.. i'll read them all soon!!
nice one
You could have done better with this one..Though the though is great, as a personal opinion I would like to add, it didn't really touch me..
Isra, thnx dearie :)
dsk, thnx :D
its always rewardin to read honest opinion. this was my first attempt, thnx for your words :)
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