tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions
purest form of love, hatred and fear,
reflection of my mind, my inner soul
wash me from my anguish, make me pure.
love was never a game, oh unknown
my life and roles in it made it one!
the hurdles seemed so long, I endured
the mission, the changing rules, failed me win.
levels changed and so did the game
survival became the name of my aims!
alone, not lonely I played the game
memories of forgotten fuelled my life.
moving on, I knew what's on my way
yet you made me choke, oh love long gone,
you said you knew me in and out
yet failed to know my tears for you!
the game console blinked, one last message
the dire choice " Game Over. Play Again? "
tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions
wash me from my anguish, make me pure.
hey i'm the first to comment... yaay!!!
yeah u r, u r :)and only bcos of ur mom :P so thnx to ur mom :P
mixed reaction ...confused ...
do i have to put out a smiling smiley to appreciate the poetry or a sad sad one for the 'feel' i have when i went through the poem...
exact feel... i have gone through the game of love & betrayal many times ;)
sawan ... u r unique !!!!!
(r u a palakkadan?? )
your tears tiny droplets of pain,
may they drop on my palm,
they are too precious to taste the soil.
May it doesnt hurt you anymore,
as much as a lost game does.
May you find yourself again.
and a wish, if anything ever leaves you,
then be it the tears - tiny droplets of your pain.
~lovely poem~
Karmanna, :) mixed emotions is how it is, so i dont wonderf for ur mixed reaction :P u cud put any smiley. the tears have dried so it wudn pain more :P
yes yes yes, i am a palakkadan, ex-bharathamatha, ex-victoria :)
Kajal, thts so swt of ya. luv ya. muah.. i wud seriously consider the deal now :P
I loved the allegory in it Anil
The last lines were really powerful!
See might be u wont like my comment but i wud like to ask some question...
1. does Happines and sadness goes hand in hand or like the parity of coin.
Tell me what do you think.
Words are phenomenon and keep on building thoughtsss.
nicely pen down
awww....game over? try again:D
**the game console blinked, one last message
the dire choice " Game Over. Play Again? "
tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions
wash me from my anguish, make me pure.
I realy admire the depth in the starting two lines. Intense !
Its March and looks like the lovey dovey feelings went out as February ended...case for tragic optimism now ... Like Val says "game over? try again :D"
I agree... :) By the way, Loved hw u put it
"the game console blinked, one last message
the dire choice " Game Over. Play Again? "
Really nicely done :)
wow........ what emotions.what depth............
but i felt a liberal blueness in it...... is there anything wrong? coz wenever i see sum1 up wid sumthing lik this, probably something is wrong.........
mithe, thnx dear :)
Pallav, there is no reason why i shouldnt like your comment. appreciate it that you took the time to go through my emotions. welcome here. i believe happiness and sadness are abstract ideas which deal directly with your expectations from life. Yes, there would be times when both act like sides of a coin. when a sad incident is expected, it reduces the sadness and at times you cry and smile simultaneously. its weird but there are times when you have no control over you emotions. after all we are but human.
aqua girl, wish it was so easy :)
Aayushi, thnx a lot dear :)
smriti, thnx grl :) its about a long lost relationship! so maybe "march" doesnt have much significance here :)
stuti, thnx girl. lol, yeah there sure was something wrong. some thing which went wrong quite some time back :) memories are to be blamed :) m fine now, thnx :)
still the past keeps springing up in u?........
stuti, yes :)memories cant be avoided! not always :)
@karmanna...u mean to say that 'palakkadans' are unique??i mean...me&sawan? ;-)
sawan...are u alright??
Sawan saar...reflecting upon the past, ah? u've brought it out well, man
do give this a thought too - its better not to feel the 'other' couldnt see ur tears even though 'they' knew u in n out... 'reality' is again just another perception, aint it?
'Love' can be forgiven that much na...besides u have evolved into a 'philosopher' rather i can relate to - main shayar tho nahi...magar tujko milke..shayari a gayi...hope these r ight lines:)
P.S: i really love ur new shelf 'know India n Kerala thru DVD's'..u r a true INIDAN :)
btw, have u started DVD side business ???? :)
Sawan... taken ur words..yes thts true wen we know abt the probabality of furture yes it become less painful as well as strengthen us...
and that is why i hv asked the question from...
if you see the other side, u will find, every incidence taught u something and we as a human, analyse where we were wrong and how we can improve us and restrict us for not commiting the same mistake in future...
thanks for reply n dropping by..
Chechi, I am fine, thnx.. and yeah, palakkadans are unique, aint we? :P
vinnie darlin, well talk some time wen i see u online. maybe there i cud giv a better reoky to ur comment :P
and no, i din open a dvd business :P selected these dvds cos ter are many international visitors, let them know more about our culture - somthing which the daily news papers dsnt give them :)
Pallav, thnx for ur words. but trust me, i dnt believe i did anything wrong. or for that matter , i dnt believe any one would want to think that they did some thing wrong. wen ever we does something, we do it with our conscious - right or wrong are not something which should be branded after the incident occurs. yes, we learn a lot. but there is no concept of repeating our mistakes cos we never commit mistakes, we experiment with our life :)
@Sawan: oh yeah :D
wen it isn't a game thn how can it be over??
i could again sense blue here..
i dnt have wrds to cheer u up..bt will still say tat cheer up man!
love isn't a game bt life is..
n it was beautiflly writeen..:)
kajal, yeah yeah :P
swati, i said love aint a game but my life made it one :)
m fine swati, thnx.. it was written in one of those moments when u really need to vent out ur worries :P thnx again :)
This is beautifully written.
I love the choice of words you used and the depth.
Life can sometimes be like a game, and love is part of that game.
It's not a game that we always win, there has to be losers in every game, someone has to suffer. But life goes on just like a new game can begin when the old one is over....
Loved reading it over a few times...
u are an ass...
Margaret, thnx for your words :) happy that u liked it.
shal, its not easy to understand and accept the perceptions of another individual. its tougher to imagine the situations which provoked their actions. thnx for the visit.
@sawan .. nice to meet a fellow palakkadan ;)
@ scrawler ...manasilullathu paranju ;) ( ya.. u both r unique !! )
really really a very powerful and beautiful poem. loved it. ur poetries also r very beautiful along with ur other write-ups.
write more poetries. i love reading them
karmanna, i still dnt know ur name :)
preetzi, thnx a lot dear. hwz ya?
''you said you knew me in and out
yet failed to know my tears for you!''
Very nice lines and beautifully written poem. congrats!
love was nver a game !!
this phrase touched me :)
There's lots in this one to admire. Nicely done.
Awwww, very nice but emotional!
"tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions
wash me from my anguish, make me pure"
Liked the poem :) really touching!
പോവാന് പറയടോ.... നമ്മളെ വേണ്ടാത്തവരെ നമുക്കെന്തിനാ?
@ha ha...u still don't know karmanna's name??
for all official purpose he is known as 'karmanna"
Beautifully written!
tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions
purest form of love, hatred and fear,
reflection of my mind, my inner soul
wash me from my anguish, make me pure.
@karmanna...there is one more palakkadan blogger..he is also unique! isn't it?you forgot him :-(
Kumiththa, thnx dear :)
Pratzi, m sorry if that disturbed you. was quite disturbed myself wen i wrote this :(
Rachel, its such an honor to hear that from you. thnx :)
saranya, thnx dear :)
Traveller, logical allatha oru abstract feeling aane sneham ennullathanallo nammale palappozhum vishamathilaakkunnathe.. materialisticaya ee lokathe ingane oru feeling enkilum vende namme chila feelingsine kuriche ormappeduthan? athonde chilappozhikke i am enjoyin this pain :)
chechi, keep aside his official name. wuts the real one?
Arti, thnx a lot dear. such words coming from u is real honor :)
BEAUTIFUL is the word. :)
It is when "love" is played like a game, that it hurts the most.
i can understand dear..anyways well written..
isha, thnx dear. maybe thats true, but what if its not in our hand to decide whether it is played as a game or not?
swati, thnx for understanding dear :) lv ya.
Well in that case, just thank god that you came face to face with the inconvenient truth before it was too late.
isha, :) thats the most practical answer i hrd over here! thnx for that.
isha, sometimes you remain prepared to face what you fear the most. yet related events would bring you shock later in ur life. not that it matters any more, but a shock is shock, aint it? :)
It most certainly is Sawan. But the important thing here is to take it in your stride and learn from it.
You've all the right in the world to be in a state of shock as that is a part and process of getting over it. But at the same time you also need to realise that if things are the way they are, it probably wasn't worth it. I know all this is easier said than done, but you will have to make an effort.
the effort was made long back isha. its just that something happened in between which brought back the memories. at times you just fail to fake that smile :)lessons learned could only help you be prepared, it never prevents "events" from happening :)
it seems wonderful interacting with ya. thnx for being here :)
A friend once said "Do not let the events in life define who you are. Let who you are define the events in your life."
All I can say and hope is that this phase passes as soon as possible so you no longer have to fake a smile.
And the feelings are mutual.
man.. u have a way with words... just lovely ! or as one might say in malayalam.. 'adipoli' :D
wonderfully written buddy!! :) the last few lines were really powerful!
sawan ... i love to be called .. karmanna..
even though i have no quality of 'arjuna' the great karma warrior...
@durga, ya.. i hope u r mentioning about great palakkadan .. prashanth menon .. he is class above... great personality :)
..and u have krishna beside you!!
@ Scrawler ..
:)) yeh!!!
Isha, who ever said that has seen life much more than what Ive seen. I am learning and I would be there some day :) thnx :)
dhanya, thanx dear :) nanniyunde nanniyunde :P
Ria, thnx dear :)
karmanna, alrite, so i wud not ask for anotr name now :P
Sawan saar, no need to reply thru chat-vat now..from ur comments i made out what happened..such is life i guess!
am happy that 'rude' shocks r common these days:) i thought i was the only one! Take Care:)
why have u put 'Advani for PM' ?
[the game console blinked, one last message
the dire choice " Game Over. Play Again? "
tears, tiny droplets of unnamed emotions]
nice lines there..but the rest of the poem seemed controlled to me...less of emotions and more of a need to 'write' a poetry..i might me wrong but am just airing my opinion!!
those lines above are brilliant and carries the poem through.
very very well written!!
Emotively beautiful lines, bro'...
Peace. Be well.
vinnie darlin :) yeah such is life, lol.. 'advani for pm' cos bjp payed google to put their ads and since my page has the tag "politics" google automatically put this ad :) tomorow if congress pays google, u may see "rahul for pm" :P
poetess, thnx for your views. you may be true on the "controlled" part. when you are really shattered, words come out on a controlled tone, not cos its written for the need to write, but cos you dnt want to hurt urself with overwhelming emotions. m sure you could understand what i wanted to convey :)thnx again for ur words. u take care :)
nefariousoutlook, thnx :)
kartz, thnx bro :)
after 80 comments i don't think i need to mention how wonderful the poem is...
hey same feeling yaar right now..
jahnabi, no one could convey what you have to say dear. thnx a lot :)
CrazyHeart, talk to me, m sure i cud help you recover :) ive hrd enuf that i cud be a good counselor, trust me :)
Beautiful and powerful words.:)
I m feeling dumbo types..
i read it twice u get the gist..
still cnfuse..
technical poem... huh?? game console.. :) hope its one of your regular fits which you get now and then when thinking about so many things at once and you are alright..
sneha, thnx dear :)
amrita, oo, its better u dnt get the gist :) it was written over a sudden rush of sad feelings caused due to some memories :)
maheep, bro, yeah yeah.. how cud i be sad wen some one is having a blast out there?? wen r u inviting me to rajastan? :P
Yes, i quite understand sawan.
poetess, m glad u did :)
hmm... love equates to pain!! always does!!
athi, why do we still love to be loved? :)
ha ha.. good one.. the date is not fixed but whenever it is, be prepared to come.. I am not gonna listen any bullshit excuse at that time.. Poetess asked once to sponsor the gang meet.. so here it goes :P See what a grand sacrifice I am doing for this gang meet :D
The more i read ur poem,the more i find some new emotion in it every time!
its lovely and intense :-)
Good one....
Love is never a game...
but few do believe so...
its their philosophy..we cant help it..
i was reading through ur poem and comments...and i am like... for the poem: too gooood...for the comments and replies... Oh My God...hats off to ur patience....Good Sawan....I have no other words....
Maheep, sacrifice?? good that Neha hasnt been here till date!
okies, so i need to find out the enchanting places of rajastan for the visit :) help me, wnt u?:P
oh yeah.. I will.. let the date finalized and we will plan.. and yeah Neha isnt here so I am safe :))
yoooo.. 100th comment is mine.. :)
Hello! How you?
Update please :(
Ankita, the beauty of words inscribed lies in how the reader analyzes it. so if u find it beautiful, its cos ur thoughts are beautiful :) thnx for your inspiring words :)
mahesh, welcome here bro and thnx for your words :)
renu, thts so sweet of ya. thnx a lot dear :)
maheep, if its in june , then it wud be like triple bonanza : ur marg, hopefully chechi's book release and the most special one : my birthday :P lol
i am all eyes.. rajastaaaan, here i comeeeeeee :P
100!!!! thats the first time here :P congratz to me :P
aayu dear, m so glad u asked that :) m wonderful, busy at work.. hwz ya? cya online tomorrow or day after. u take care. *hugs*
no manager would have fallen off her seat laughing at a situational disaster like that :)
thanks for visiting... i missed your comments... have you read my precious posts? esp the '25' tag?
loved your poem:)
Gauri, thnx for being here :)
LGL, sorry dear. wud read all of them during this weekend, promise :)
like the book??! it frightened the friggin lifelights out of me... men are rubber bands and they have a secret cave with a dragon at the gate, and when they are in the cave i better not try to follow or i'm toast????!!!!
man i seriously considerd changing my sexuality for a couple of days :)
hehe lol, only for couple of days?? :P
i seriously think most of what is written in that is true :) though u dnt have to see men as beasts :P
@ Sawan...beautiful one...
enna saare ellam sukham alle ??
Seno, thnx dear.
o m g.. u lrnt it!!! :P wow..
sukham thanne madam.. thankalkkum sukham thanneyenne viswasichotte? :P
hhmm... daz quite a shattering one... :( but vey well written Anil :-)
sigma, thnx swthrt :) depression many a times gifts beautiful words :D
Very expressive !!! Just few words but the best one !!!
thnx Raisa :)
the game console blinked, one last message, the dire choice " Game Over. Play Again? "
i wud say, yeah u can.....
i wish i can :)thnx swts :)
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