engraved in rock is a pair of eyes,
deep and rusty, painted with life.
Angels dried tears from those eyes
a mystic blend of daze lingers!
lost in dreams, I gained myself -
captivated by those hazel eyes!
Kajal completed 100 days in Blogsville. Congratulations to her :)
Wow..what a beautiful picture this is.. Really nice.
And this poem is definitely unconvenional. I mean I have read about eyes and all that, but the picture and the description and all are really nice..
Wow. Finally I am the first to comment in a blog. Congrats to me!! :D Yayyy!
Ok, jokes apart.. congratulations to Kajal for completing 100 days. God, I don't even remember when I started blogging :(
Whose hazel eyes are you referring to huh ? ;)
those hazel eyes r gorgeous!!!!!!!!!Reminds me of the song....
Broken up deep inside
But u won't get to see
the tears i cry
behind these hazel eyes!!
u r an xcellent poet.........keep writing...there's always sumthing new in ur poem...........:)
Netika, thnx a lot dear :)wow, u stay awake at 2.43!! add me to gtlk, atlst i wud have company :)
dhanya, eh. close to first :) arrey u too stay awake at odd hours!! all you people stay awake at odd hours and here i think i am the only one :( why dnt u people add me to gtlk :( pavam njan, ottakirunnu bore adichite kidannurangan pokum :(
u dnt remember?? lemme guess: June 16, 2005?? mann, u r quite old :P hehe lol.. veise june is a beautiful month!! ask me why :) i was born in june :P
congratulations to kajal!! yeyy.
hazel eyes.. what?? u dnt have hazel eyes??? ooops need to change the verses then!! :P lol
u take care dhanya. have a grreeeaaatt weekend :)
Aruna, KELLY CLARKSON!!! man thats an amazing song :)
stuti, awww. u r becoming too kind on ur words lately :)thanx a lot dear :)and have a grt weekend :)
Amazing what power a pair of eyes can have! Even eyes that have been engraved in rock for centuries give you the feeling, you're falling into a deep well, when staring into them.
"a mystic blend of daze lingers!"
Your poem Anil, is just as powerful as those eyes. Awesome...
margaret, thts so kind of u to tell that :) thanx a lot dear :) and yeah, eyes are just too powerful, they cud enlighten you, sink you, set you in fire, support you and even kill you!! you have a wonderful weekend there :)
ahem ahem..hows hazal eyes???ummmmmmmm????
nice poem asusual :)
kajal has hazel eyes?
congos to kajal
Engraved, yet seemingly lifelike. Know what..? U just did a Keats a la the Grecian Urn... Uber!
Take care.
Peace. Have a wonderful weekend.
Wow.. this is some thing even me liked :)) short and sweet.. whats up poet!! you too gonna have a book ??
wow.. scroll in top of page for vin.. very thoughtful and imaginative :))
beautiful beautiful.. gr8 work dude.. i woner at times the ppl in blogville have a penchant for beauty :D
congos to Kajal.
Pic rocks...
can i knw frm whr u get such nice thoughts for writing such beautiful poem....
arrr.. i m asking.... bas awey hiiii...
Yar its fantablous..
Kepp Writing....
beautiful are not just the eyes
also are the words you wrote
they are the perfect combination
nicely written sawan..!!!!
congratulations to KAJAL..!!!
n n n ....
Congratulation to Kajal... how can i forget ths....
Hv fun...
lol on wat Chriz said
congozz to Kajal...
and believe me....Supaa work out there.
wazz the matter Anil u getting into poetry ??
sweet... almost soulful :)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sawan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know I am totally awestruck!!!
I dont even know what to say!! My eyes.....
Hey blogsville, Sawan took my eyes and gave them life!!!! Sawan I am totally speechless.... Oh My God!!!!
I Love You!!! and no matter how many times I say it, it's not gonna be enough.... God I am in tears.... It is the best thing (no wait) the second best thing that happened to me in the blogworld!!
Sawan you are my best friend and this is a testimony to the amazing bond that we share!!!
Hazel eyes/Kajal Eyes...it actually rhymes ...i can b a poet 2!! :P
this was a master-stroke!!really!!
something strong enuf n well written..
reali nice..n whn for kujju di..its gr88!!!!!!!
lovely poem ... as usual
congratulations to kajal.
mujhe special order mila tha is post par comment karne ke liye...hehehe...
waise m glad that i was told to...its a beautiful dedication for a vy interestin person...
n a lovely pic chosen to go wid d post...thou beauty is always best in its natural form :)
Loved it. Very beautifully written Sawan.
beautiful dedication :)
hey.. first time here. awesome poem. short bt made me smile. nice! i like it! ill be back to read the rest of ur stuff.
Keep writing!
wowwww.. its one of ur best anizie.
congo to kajal
Good one Sawan. :)
and congrats to Kajal who apparently is flying high .. :D
Captivating Anil....I admit..these lines are captivating for sure...loved each n every word of it...good work yaar...keep writing.
God bless.
congrats to kajal :D :D
and great work there...the pic is too good... :D
I Love how you have pictured hazel eyes on a rock.
Congratulations to Kajal.
a sweet message.. :)
magical dedication anil! loved it! :)
congos calliope! :)
nice hazel eyes n all:)
Sawan saar...u put a scroll for me? thats sweet..do also visit me sometimes ...
thanks for the birthday wishes, yaar...this year i have blogger buddies too:)
Beautifully described Sawan! Nicely written...keep up.
Congrats to Kajal.
Beautiful poem and an equally beautiful pic. :)
You do amazing work with poetry ya. Keep penning. :)
@all: I have no words to express how glad I am ..
I am no princess,
I am no diamond,
but your love,
does make me feel,
like I am one of them,
a princess, a diamond!!
this was for all of you, especially sawan!!
thank you sooooo much!
nicely put!congrats to Kajal. :)
amrita, thnx dear :) hope u got ur answer from the rest of the comments :P
chris, u din know?? :P
kartz, bro, u mean the ballad types?? John Keats?? he wud have sued you if he lived today and read this comment :P thts such an honor coming from such a wonderful poet like ya :) thnx bro.
maheep, hehe, lol, m not very interested in spending money on something which wud return me nothing :) so no thoughts on book yet :P howz ya?
maheep. u liked it? :) she din see it :(
richa, thnx dear :) yeah, i know. just look around, u have so many quality works floating. m wondering why havnt anyone thought of publishing their works in the form of a book!!
pallav, thnx bro. i have these wonderful friends around me who inspires me with every word they say :) always thankful to the blogsville :)
yamini, thnx a lot dear :)
pallav, ah u dared to forget it?? :P
priya, hehe, stop laughing now :) kind of, feeling comfortable in this world of poetry. m sure u sighed now. no wudn bring in more pain, i shall try other things too :P
meher, thnk god, i thought u forgot this route :) thnx dear :)
kajal, u deserve this and much more. be happy girl, spread the smile :)
vagabound, u said it.. keep writing bro :)
anwesa, thnx dear :) happy tht u liked it :)
vedshri, lol, kujju?? :P hehe, thnx yaar.
tangerine, thnx dear :)
mayz, bro, order ke anusar aaye ho. welcome ji :) thnx for ur words bro :)
aniket, thnx bro :)
anki, thnx dear :)
annie, welcome here and thnx for ur kind words. m happy to bring tht smile on ur face. keep tht intact and have fun :) ill wait for ur comments on the rest of my posts :)
preetzie, thnx swthrt :)
nishanth, thnx bro :)
diana, thnx yaar. u take care and have fun. God bless you and every one you love :)
madhuri, thnx yaar :)
LSL, thnx a lot dear :)
Illeen, happy u liked it. take care girl :)
vinay, thnx bro :)
vinnie, u din see it :( i put it from morning to midnight!! oye, ive migrated from blog roll to reader. ur feed was not getting upadated in it. i checked it today and fixed it. sorry. wud read all pending posts :)
saranya, thnx yaar :)
isha, thnx a lot friend. ur words have always been kind on me :) u take care girl, have fun:)
kajal, you are worth more than a million diamond and a princess. keep smilling girl :)
ria, thnx dear :)
beautiful pic n verse!
100 days in Blogville needs to be celebrated yes, considering the fact how many times I went n came bak lol! Congrattz to ur friend :)
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ;)
The pic compliments the words really well...
m captivated still ;)
I thought I am bania but you are one step ahead :P
well looking at your followers and comments I don't think it will be a loss making deal :))
me good.. struggling hard between night and day shifts ;)
as for vin.. she was too busy complaining about your not coming to her blog that she didnt notice :P
I simply got lost in the beauty of the eyes you so wonderfully painted here ...
lovely lines...
Naah, not quite a ballad. But the parallelism was evident - of course, to those who have read Keats. * :P to those who haven't. ha!*
Arre bhai, I have a long way to go. The sky is my limit!
Thanks for the mention. :)
Ha ha, Keats won't sue me. Not to worry. He is way too rowh-maahn-tyc! ;)
Peace. Have a nice day.
yeah..kujju is da name given 2 her by me..
isn't it sweeeeet??
The pic is so captivating : )
beautiful lines there sawan...angelic eyes would have been a better title eh?
I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
And what a poem to make my comeback with!!! Amazing!!!
ur lines brought soul to those rocky eyes..soulful...:)
Wow! Amazing..!! Really!! :D :)
And congrats to Kajal!!! :D
keshi darlin, hehe, yeah yeah. and those words comin froma celebrity herself m sure kajal wud be happy :)
harshita, thnx a lot dear :)
pratzi,wow, thnx swty :)
maheep, hehe struggling between night and day shift?? do i hear a husband complaining :P lol, neha r ya listening??? yeah yeah, vinnie seems to be very busy :) the problem was with the feed updated in my reader. it refused to let me know tht she is updating her blog :( ive hanged it, hopefully she would have less reasons to complain now :)
rajlakshmi, that compliments my words, thnx dear :) i was also lost before i wrote it :D
kartz, bro, hehe, agian u r being modest tellin about ya :P lol.. u take care bro. have loadz of fun.. and wut bout the get togtr?? [rolling eyes]
vedshri, kujju is definitely a sweeeeet name :P something like laddu :P lol
veni, and words?? :( hehe lol kajal wud be flying high i guess :)
poetes, yeah i know. at first i never thought tht kajal wud identify these eyes :) so i wanted to make it as abstract as possible, but she did :D
keee, i mised ya all this while :) thnx dear :)
dude.. wait till Mrs. Sawan comes in picture.. and then we will see.. I am counting and chun chun ke badla lunga :))
deep and rusty, painted with life.
loved those lines. beautiful. and the picture too.
but not happy with you. you've given up visiting my blog. you get over here right now and read my poem, hear me?!! :)
Hi Anil
There's an award waiting for you to pick up over at my blog :)
maheep, bro, spare me pls :D maaf kardena yaar :P
LGL, ayyoda, sorry dear. i am yet to arrange my reader with priorities. still working on it :( ive read all your posts which i missed and promise tht i wud be ter on time from now :) now smile :D
swati, thnx dear :)
Siya, thnx dear :) kajal, did ya hear tht?? :P
Margaret, its such an honor! thnk u so very much.. i am all smiles :)
@all: oh my god! each comment has made my blogging century so special!! thank you sawan! :) i feel so loved..!!
you are the sweetest!
kajal, u deserve all these love :)
Congs to kajal,though a lil late :)
Loved the 1st two lines a lot...and the pic is too good.
U definitely gave life to the pic!
that was s nice poem :)
i usually run away frm readin poetry (:P), but short ones r an exception (;))
i liked it a lot :D
kajal nd her 100 days,, hmmm.. she has some talent, doesn't she :) (god bless her)
Beautifully poignant, and beautifully expressed poem. Thanks for sharing.....
meera, thts so swet of u :) thnx a lot :)
shimmer, yes she does :) god bless you too :)
gauri, thnx swthrt :)
femin, thnx dear :)
Hi Sawan, just found your blog and this poem. I'm captivated by the picture and may well try and write a little something about it myself. It's an amazing piece of poetry in a number of ways, not least that it's very close to what I'm attempting to achieve at The American Sandwich -Andy Sewina
Hi Sewina, welcome here :) i wud definitely chock out The American Sadwich. there is something in tha name which tells me that its gona be delicious :) thnx for you words. u take care :)
hey first of all the pic is awesome!!! the poem is also good!
revati, thnx grl :)
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