midst of the day, i explore this street
alone, not lonely though
cheers of flawless ecstacy
noises defeaning the calmness around!
they walked past me, hand in hand
enjoying the music of their walk!
"cupids", i thought "are creating magic"
she returned his kiss with a smile.
should I be sad on my fate?
on my status of being single?
they say love is beautiful
it gifts a soul to share our thoughts.
aint i more lucky?
i have the whole world in front of me!
choices unlimited, options I could delve on,
emotional emancipation and the joy it gives
havnt i got enough reasons
to cherish my status of being single?
they say love is cool
status "committed" says it all!
aint I cool enough?
status "single" gives me options!
they show in quotes, in tv shows, on screen
"our life is incomplete without the holy union"
agreed, so what? do i curse my soul?
for the sin named being single!
they say love is a dream
"we float through the unknown cloud of bliss".
I am happy that I am single
I am awake, eyes wide open!
so how do you feel? souls contiguous
do you abhor your status for good?
or do you share my views, my thoughts
being single is no sin. relish it!
Im single too...and i would have liked to write exactly the same things what you wrote...i feel just the same...want to ask the same thing...anyway..
but as pink orchid said singles should party harder!
happy valentine's day!
Meera, same pinch :P yeah, as Kajal said.. paarty harder.. hav a wonderful day..
they say love is beautiful
it gifts a soul to share our thoughts.
aint i more lucky?
i have the whole world in front of me!
so true !!!
@ Sawan... I say, single of the world unite!!!
i loved the tag line on the top of ur page.....just so right.....!!!
Amen!!! This was wonderfully written :) And I relish being single. :)
wonderful lines...:)
There were times when I feel being single was so nice...Good poem
nice poem-captures the true essence of living:)
Sawan, damn cool one!!
i too am single n ready to mingle..mind u mingle means mingling with life's more beautiful offerings:)
Happy Valentines Day to u Sweets:)
Ah... Am *bloody* well relishing it. :) Woot!
Nice lines there, mate!
i miss being single :P
yeah.. having options open is a big deal.. now! :)
yes one must enjoy it :) cz you still have that excitement in you that says "who is the one?" it's a fab feeling i tell you :)
Niiiiice post, so happy to see happy single people on valentine s day!What have done during that day?
PS: come and pick up your Valentine Award :)
this was really refreshing after hearing a coupla friends crib about breaking up and feeling miserable...i think i'l send them over to ur blog to read this...
once again, well written!
Great poem Sawan! I have been essentially single for almost 20 years, and as each year goes on I savor it more and more for the freedom it brings with it. At times I pine for a partner, but when I have tried I have not found that it completes me, rather it is disillusioning. There are so many people, animals and unspoken things to love, even the ground I walk on! I am rewarded by love in abundance that comes from The Unseen and Unknowable Mystery. I would not trade this in order to be in relationship, and yet, I would welcome relationship with someone where this was shared and not compromised. But if that never happens, I am not lacking. Besides, my cat is very affectionate! :-)
I agreeeee!!! :D
Yup :) being single is no sin...and I agree that there is whole world for me ;)
yeah beign single is no sin..:)
but its great exp to be in true love and to be with the one who is committed to yo for the life time:)
:) lovely ....
single wont give me a kick...
double Large......
cheers !!!!
pratzi, yeah, so very true :P
Seno, call for morcha?? :P
aqua girl, glad u liked it :)
smriti, me toooo :P
Amrita, thnk u :)
Diana, memories, huh?? :P thnx :)
Mithe, thnk you :)
Vinnie darlin, happy valentine's day to u too :P celebrate your singlehood :P
Kartz. bro, rock on :P
Meher, I wish u wer single :P lol.. hve fun and god bless the worthy :P
Cessie, wow, thts an honor!!!! the award looks damn cool..!!! thnx :P m all smiles :) i was working :P
Pri, sent them over.. no one deserves to be felt miserable.. thnx :)
Catherine, our happiness lies right beneath us.. we have enough strength to support our selves.. commitment is wonderful if we are ready for it.. but commitment should not be for getting support, it should rather be to share your space, your self and more. until then, status single rocks :P
kirty, i luv u :P
Aparna, so relish it :P hav a wonderful time..
Crazy heart, i agree.. but keep minimal expectations.. and dont think of the future.. we are no one to boast of commitment for life.. we are after all human :)
karmanna, cheers for that :P
ofcourse being single is no sin,, i am single and happily so...
rest you know it all :D
Kajal, smile wide.. :) the world is urs..
u said it beautifully Sawan. Cess was right abt ur post. :)
Being single is no sin. But its nice to hv someone by ur side, to love, to be loved by and to share ur days n nights with.
But its better to be single than be with someone just for the heck of it.
Cos there's a big difference between being loved and wanting to be loved.
Keshi girlie, u said it!! here's a big difference between being loved and wanting to be loved, and thats exactly why i luv my status :P
thnx for ur words and thnx to Cess.. these days u need recommendations to visit me?? :P
o no I did visit ya every single day Sawan...didnt I? awww... :(
being single is amazing!!! it saves one from a lot of unnecessary tension... n nice piece of wok... :)
Keshi girlie, u r a swthrt.. so i luv complaining :P lol, dil pe mat lo yaar :P
jahnabi, u said it :) it does save us from lot of tensions, i wudn use the word unnecessary though :)glad u liked it. smile through out the season of love :)
join the club then lol!
**dil pe mat lo yaar
wut does that mean? :)
Trust me, u r absolutely right.. "being single is no sin. relish it"
There are times when we feel lonely when therz no one to talk to or share our joys n sads... but still being single is always one step ahead!! So just have fun!! :)
u are getting better and better with each post sawan..
n being single is not a sin..
god may be deciding and choosing the best one for you...so feel happy that you are single..coz people already committed die to be single again..
take care!
Keshi, i thought i was already in :P alright, how bout a life time membership?? :P
SS, lol, i cudn agree more :) u too njoi ur life.. hav fun :)
swati, thank u ji :)
hehe, many hav told me the same thing , lol.. but trust me, i never wanted to be single when i was committed.. my destiny choose something i never wanted.. how ever i am happy now for my status.. :)
Beautifully expressed buddy!but i dont think being single is a sin. Its just a matter of time b4 u find the one for u.
great poem! Can totally get the deep feeling! Keep it up. :)
Check out my new post! Take Care
Damn! I am single for past 26 yrs...hehe... :)
Every phase has its own pleasures... Hang on till love finds you.
Every status has its joys & sorrows.
Being single definitely isn't a sin.
I stopped being single when I was 19. Happily married now for years.
It's all about finding the right partner. Once you've found that person you never wanna be single again.
But, dear Sawan until that person comes along, enjoy every minute of being single.
everything dosen't go according to the plan..this is how life is..bt u cnt stop living it..it moves on..with a tinge of that pain..
so u njoing being single nw.. :)
keep going yaar..thats the spirit..buddy
hey...nice post...right from the heart..this is wat I call life !! :)
Have a good day. Am delighted to be adding you.
Trule lines. Beings single is definitely more happier -observational view :)
Well..me is single too.
But I don't think kids are supposed to be committed at this age. whatever ;)
This was quite a puurfect post to suit this occasion when everyone is busy writing love lorn posts. Something independantly expressed. :)
But on the flipside..who doesn't like to share a half of him/her with someone else?
On a normal note-- I liked it! :)
being single is no sin. relish it!!!! :))
in next family gathering I am gonna make you my spoke person :))
That was beautiful!Everyone has their day,just that the right time has to come :)
Belated V-Day wishes!
this was gorgeous!! and you do have a point. enjoy the time you have to go out and see the world and do your own thing before you settle down.
Ria, i guess so :P lets see how it comes :)
Juhi, Would do. Got a lil busy with work.. :( Thnx for your words :)
single for 26 long years?? lol, impressive :)
Margaret, "Happily married" is one phrase which i dream!! How do I know when i meet the right person :( i am so very confused!!
Swati, yeah, ters no benefit in whining bout the past :P so i am happy i moved on :P
Rahul, welcome here.. thnx for adding me bro. u take care..
Saranya, seems like uve observed a lott :P of course it is, cos the lesser the commitment, the lesser the responsibilities and the lesser the worries :)
Crystal, i believe there is no age for being single and being commited. fcourse the meaning of "commitment" differs with age!! :)
ST, yeah thats the spirit.. relish it :P
ST, o m g, i prefered being single cos of lack of responsibilities.. and u r giving me more of that :P
Sami, how do we know when the right time comes?? :P
Rhi, Welcome to my space :) glad u liked it and advise taken :)
Sawan when you meet the right person then you JUST KNOW.
When you can't think abt anything else except that person, when you find yourself smiling whenever you think of her/him, then you've met your match.
Good luck 'n carry on enjoying your singlehood.
Margaret, u are making me feel that i am missing the very essence of life :P ull be the first one to know wen i KNOW that my status changed :P
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