I sat near the mirror, closed my eyes,
ready to plunge into the depth unknown.
darker than the night, my heart skips a beat
i rushed through the labyrinth, insanity around
shadows of the known greeted my shiver
my sweat does not taste salty any more.
I dragged myself through stones and thorns
blood in my eyes, through draconic lanes
I choked and swallowed, tasted my venum
my search for sanity made me insane.
I cried out loud burning in my own rage
the innocence was gone from my now enigmatic face
scared and cold I look back my way
only to find my body being burned away.
sweat gave me chills when I opened my eyes
I stared at my hand and the blade i held
scared and unsure I threw it away
I tried to smile, the blade lay feets away.
Suicide does not bring happiness. It brings sorrow to the ones who survive the deceased. We were happy and content when we came to this world. Let it be the way we leave this place. What happens in between happens at our will. Why dont we face it and earn our smile.
Very well worded.
I wish it was as easy done than said.
Netika, tht was fast!! thnx for ur words :)
yenna Saar, u OK? who inspired u?
Truer words never said than what you said at the end of the poem. I agree so much. Although I know that when someone is in the pit of despair, it does not seem possible to ever be happy again, even for an instant. I am grateful that I have never been in that pit. A very good description of it in your poem, however. Harrowing.
vinnie, some one very dear :)
Catherine, its true that an emotional mind doesnt think right.. but that why we have friends.. wut say? :P
omg....masterpiece...of ur work...
I was in the same state...few days back..but now normal....
killing others....:P
gr8 dear...
Well written Anil.. Life is precious, even if one doesnt see its worth in difficult times, there are plenty others who see what we ourselves dont see. Hope should never be lost... I loved this one... :)
Amrita, thnx yaar :) m happy u r back to normal.. trust me, ur friends wud be more happy to take ur shots tht to see ya motion less.. u take care and never ever be sad :)
smriti, well said.. i always tell this to my friends.. its quite natural to feel dejected when u r low. but never make conclusions when u r emotionally disturbed. wait for the tide to calm and then think about it. glad u liked it :)
realllly nice!!
You've given a distinguished portait of the anguish & despair of a person with suicidal thoughts.
Just how desperate must they feel when they see no other way out!!
The worst thing in the world must be to feel so alone...That's why friends are so important and friendships should be cherished.
Your poem really takes us into the dark dungeons of desperation.
Very well written....
"my search for sanity made me insane" .... this line has me thinking... there's something in this line i can relate to :)
Whoa..! Nice.
Yep, to earn a smile... Well said.
I had written one as well, not too long ago - The Suicide...
Peace. Have a nice weekend.
woaaa Sawan.. suicide is a crime! no one has rights to hurt people who love you so much and leave them behind alone to struggle...if one is suicidal, all one needs to do is talk about it..instead of keeping it within and ending up doing a foolish act... human soul is capable of bearing any pain..so survive and smile is the mantra :)
me went all philosphical thanks to your poem..
p.s. i am in love with the fishes in your aquarium in the sidebar, spent a good 10 mins playing with them.. :D
grreat poet
wow, you write such good poems. im unfortunate at that department.
at first, i thought you are writing about girls slashing their wrists after a break up or something. you know, some stupid females have that practice? in my old schools?
insanity personified, all of them.
The ones who even think of suicide have no brains at all. Forget a thankful attitude.
Hey..thnks for the wishes.. I had a nice day..:)
Wow! Lovely poem!
Even I've written a poem on suicide. You're very good in writing. Publish a book :D
Trina, glad u liked it :)
Margaret, thanks for letting me know that i did justice to my words :)
Meher, just know tht i luv u.
Kartz, bro, thnx :) ill check tht for sure. and weekend : i am working on saturday and sunday 12 hours each day.. how good is that?? :(
kajal, swthrt, u said it!!! :P the fishes wer happy :)
crazyheart, thnx dear..
Freya, m sure you are gona be a star in Indian Fashion Industry.. so chill :)
LSL, yeah. you're right
Netika, i stil din get the cake :(
juhi, wow i got a buyer?? :P ill definitely think of it :)
Its come out really well!!
Kudos :-)
Btw a tag waiting for u...!!
really amazing words... :)
gr8 lines....
n yes, i believe suicide s 4 cowards...
let us fight ..
lets face the reality ;)
great message
Hey that was verrrrry good!!
It won't be far when we hear the newspapers making a big deal of the upcoming board.....THE BIGGEST REASON FOR STUDENTS WHO COMMIT SUICIDE...But I still don't get it...It is so easy....and after all it's just an exam..So what's all the hype???
Great poem.....
Take Care
SUICIDE is just a matter seconds a simple thought is enough to distract or provoke a person to commit this cowardly act..
it was an amazing write up sawan..
tc :)
Ankita, thnx dear.. i read the tag.. i wud do it really soon.. i promise.. dead busy now.. think of it. its sunday and i am at work :( ill do it ill do it :)
Ria, thnx dear :)
Pooja, thnx yaar.. yeah, they are!!
karmanna, bro, thts the spirit :)
Akshat, its really a big thing.. and sad tht it spreading like fire.. its high time that parents take care of their kids and stop giving them this extra tensions.
swati, u said it!! :) thnx dear..
wow it s pretty deep, i was not expecting the end of the post like that. It s a tough topic though.
Great poem!
not bad etta...not bad.....ummm
Cessie, thnx dear :)
vinu, thnx bro :)
Hi Sawan,
Good post...a message for all those cowards out there...
Veni, yeah.. thnx dear :)
very powerful words...i've been there, done that sorta deja vu for me though blades always SCARE me! Lols.
..even if everything else is ordinary in your blog, this one is a real GEM..
So keep the good ones rolling dude..
Poetess, welcome here. thnx for ur words. If u like poems, you may visit the label tagged "poetry".
Well said!
i finally understood it.. :P
deep.. :)
literally very well woven..
suicide is a crime and many say it is a way out for the cowards, but it requires a lot of courage to cut oneself.. they arent cowards, why dont, I wonder, they have the courage to fight back with the problems..
thnx for visiting btw, keep coming back :)
athi, finally!!! finally my words brew some meaning :P thnx for trying dear :)
dhanya, thnx :)
richa, welcome here. maybe they dont really have the courage to face the pain of death. people many a times get blinded by emotions. they fail to see what lay ahead and they fail to think and realize the after effects. after cutting the vein, there would be a point [i believe] where they would look back and want to live again only to realize that they cant! i just wanted to show that suicide is not easy as any one would think and its equally painful. so why not face the fate :P
hey saw ur intw on pakistani spectator...good going
f course yes. The more I write, the smoother my thoughts become. It’s not about the quality of words used or the uniqueness of the plot, its all about how better could we express our self which determines our area of improvement. We express when we write and expressions are very important in today’s life. I believe my experiences with words have definitely gifted me with more clarity in my thoughts.
:) Good to see someone putting the importance of blogging this way....
Aparna, thnx dear :)
Take care..
cried out loud burning in my own rage
the innocence was gone from my now enigmatic face
scared and cold I look back my way
only to find my body being burned away.
Thought provoking lines Anil but actually I disagree with what you said in the end. Nothing happens at our will-it is always God's will, destiny has already been written...
Many times, we don't get what we actually covet.For me, this has been the case most of the times.BUt you are right, suicide is no solution
Gauri, thnx. I would :)
Mithe, your words lead us to the subject most debated in our history! I believe destiny is one word coined by people who never had the guts to face the reality. When ever we are sad, we try to convince ourself that its not our mistake and its all destiny. You, who think a lot, shouldn't have said this. God is a belief which gives many comfort. I agree this very belief have gifted peace in many parts of the world. But, tell me, do you believe in religion? I dont. Cos if there is God in reality, I am sure He wouldnt want people to be divided in His name. So what is religion? It is a sub system, where in the ideology of God is re written touching sentiments of the people who wants to believe in it. Again, it is some thing which we the people built for our comfort. If you could put such an extreme amount of faith in so abstract an idea called God, why cant you try and put half the faith in the real physical idea of your Self and your Deeds? I still believe that what ever happens, happens on our will and circumstances would put shades on it. It doesnt mean that I could control my life and I dont believe that some supreme power is controlling mine and I am just a zombie. Yes, our thoughts are controlled by us and our deeds by our will. The result may or maynot depend on what we do, but think about it, it surely depends on what a set of people do, this set could include any one who lives on this world.
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