her face was vibrant
pleasure sparkling her eyes
the pink on her face
added her charm
her smile was coy
her eyes frisky
her breathe had a rhythm
as she eased into her dreams
cupids are busy this month
she is yet to meet her match.
so how should he be?
thoughts grew wings to her words!
she hopes he be lofty
not insolent though
not a hunk, but good at heart
her grin said it all!
"i might be possessive at times"
sporadic resurgence of enthusiasm.
"he should impress my mom
tough, but that's his test"
her eyes flickered
the moment was captured
the smile was gone
maybe she woke up from her dream
such a brief dream
yet not trifling!
anticipation in her eyes,
may her dream come true!
What a dream........ you have a great poetic heart! Keep it coming! Good job!
sawan sir...please read my latest post
Hey Anil...
The poem was good.....and the pic is very apt!!
Such dreams should never end!!!
Take Care
perfect valentine mood for a girl :)
oye sawan.... wowwwww!! :) what a wonderful poetry.!! me loved it... and you know what I am self-dedicating this poem to myself.. :P mish you.. c u around..
cupids are busy this month- lol- how very true!
nice dream out there..-- hope she finds her dream man soon..
n btwww., mothers are not too hard to impress -- that's frm personal experience :)
damn poetic buddy
nice one
Sawan sweets, is this me who inspired u?? tell me tell me...
blog in the valentine mood!!!
Had fun reading this one... had a widddeeee smile reading it till the end :)
lovely! AND cute :P
beautiful poem...refreshing at apt time!!!
Keep coming such work :-D
a dream of a young girl
is her reason to live
thinking and striving, all way round
to make it come true...!!!
nice poem Sawan...i felt the above lines after having read you.,..hope you like them..!!!
and your poem...it is cute..!!!
ncie post.
love is in the air!!
ahh, you captured my dream(minus the fourth stanza)!
wow nice poem buddy! :)
*ahem* *ahem*
V-Day is nigh, and what a way to start welcoming it. ;)
Good one, mate.
@ Sawan... nice :)
i too wish may her dream come true.. :) nice poem dear. n that too in sch an aura of v'day suits perfectly.
That was so cute.. Reminded me of all my friends and me who have similar dreams and hopes... Perfect for valentine :D
Very sweet:)
Oye...any chance this was inspired by me?? But we've never chatted apart from the blogs...this sounds like me O_O
It was nice :) The pic is gorgeous...beautiful
I think my cupid is overdosed and sleeping somewhere lol!
Beautiful verse Sawan!
it's brilliant!
and u have a wonderful blog. congrats!
awww...great on anil. It was a sweet dream-befitting the season.
thnx Femin and welcome to this space..
Scrawler, read :P
Akshant, thnx bro. glad u liked it
Pratzi, yeah i shud say :P
Kajal, u r welcome to dedicate it to urself :P night shifts dear, miss ya too :P see ya 'round..
Jane, thnx yaar.. yeah?? mothers are not too hard to impress?? so wut do we do?? enlighten me :P
Amrita, thnx girlie :P
Vinnie darlin, this time it was some one at work.. but m sure the moments when we wud meet sure would inspire me :P
Renu, it sure is :P
Meher, keep that smile through out your life.. no one deserves it better than u..
Ankita, thnx yaar.. glad u liked it :)
yamini, those words were beautiful!! luvd it, thnx :)
Nidzie, it sure is :P
Freya, did I?? :P
Ria, thnx buddy :P
Kartz, thnx bro :)
Sen, thnk u :P
Swati, will pass on ur wishes. thnx :P
Rashi, glad u liked it :)u hav similar dreams?? :P every one wants guys to impress their mom? love is goin tough!! :(
Meera, glad u liked it girlie :)
smriti, wow, u hav similar dreams?? i am open to conversations which might inspire me :P
Keshi, lol,overdosed :P dont worry he wud be in full action on 14th :P
hey tulip, welcome to my space.. glad u liked it :) keep visiting me :P
Mithe, glad u liked it yaar.. thnx.. kepp visiting me :)
Beautiful poem Sawan :) Luvd it! Very lovely :) Keep up.
Saranya, thnx yaar.. and luvd the video in ur new post :)
Beautiful poem Sawan......
If only all our sweet dreams would come true........
Love your blog :)
Someone's in The Valentine's Day mood! ;)
Very nice! :D
Margaret, Thnx dear. Yeah, if only they came true :) thnx once again :)
Kirti!!! yeah, think that i got bit by some cupid while visiting some blogs :P
yeah right, I think he was dead on the 14th lol!
see I was in this post too...so why did u say these days I need recommendations to visit ya?
Keshi girlie, do I need a reason to complain :P i cud and wud complain a lot to u.. u r a swthrt, aint u?? :P
It amazes me how well you are able to personify a girl's feelings! :)
Sami, i am happy i cud give justice to her thoughts :)
if wishes wr horses, beggars would be riders :D
Poetess, beggars would have tough competition even then :) people are so very greedy :P
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