Some how the thought of the Stone Age caught my mind on my way to office yesterday. Alright, dont think that I am watching too much of history channel these days :P All I do is work, cook, eat and sleep :) All evening I thought of what would we call our present age if it was to sound like the Stone age and guess what I came up with :P
The Stone Age

[i] The term "Stone Age" was used by archaeologists to designate the vast pre-metallurgic period whose stone tools survived far more widely than tools made from other (softer) materials.
[ii] It is the first age in the three-age system.
[iii] Old Stone Age is the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind’s history.
The Stoned Age

[i] The term "Stoned Age" is used by dopiests to designate the vast post-cannabis period whose smoke clouds survived far more than the smokers.
[ii] I wish it is not the first age in another three-age system.
[iii] With the implications seen, Stoned Age looks like it is going to be the earliest period of human decline and the shortest phase of mankind’s history.
Changing track ah?
when i saw the title...i thot it was something which we come across in " The Hindu" newspaper :P
OMG....History class again??? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :P :P :P
I feel like I'll get plenty of stones my way now...par remember...Koi patthhar se na maare iss deewaani ko :P :P :P :D :D
I guess Mr. Sawan is stoned as... well, stone! :P
;D Good one!
just eat?? whatever happened to drinks mr. stoned :))
hey i remember i had seen the pics in my school books n all..right have forgotten wat it was...
the first chapter in biology :)
i remember the activity work that i helped my niece.....!!!
different post..!!!
Sawan saar!!
kya hain yeh? ithni gehri soch??
aap teek tho ho? :):)
vaise, u coined it, is a 'stoned age' alright and i hope n pray it will be not be the shortest phase in mankind's history!!!
at least, not till i get married:):)
a very serious post from u ...:)
loved it .. :)
You know something, I for one (ever thirsty for knowledge)loved this post. Thank you for something informative:)
Loved the post!somehow things about the history of man hav always intrigued me a lot. :)
what a subtle way of saying something so serious.. I pray for the mankind to pass the stoned age soon and in good health... :)
nice analogy !!! loved reading it :)
Hi Sawan,
Interesting info there...for me...i'm just glad to be born at this time....cant imagine living without the INTERNET : )
Interesting look at the present era!
Logic huh...
u have made a point!
@ Sawan...the way things are shaping up, it sure seems like the beginning of the end :(
Nice post... made me remember the lines from the movie 'the emperors club' .... "How will history remember you... what would be your contribution to the history?" It still makes me dreamy!
LOL long live the stoned age ... may the sun never set on it.
loved your blog. you write very crispily.
Scrawler, u first u first :)
not changing track re.. i am so messed up with work that i get all weird thoughts these days :P
wut wus there in Hindu? Its been ages that Ive seen a newspaper :(
Smriti, lol.. no one dare do that :P u r a swthrt..
hwz driving in Hyd roads goin on?? :P
Kartz, bro, stoned yes.. not by dope but by work :(
ST, drinks, yeeeah.. that too that too :P
Swati, dn tell me u saw pics about stone age in ur biology books :P
maybe the pics of dope?? but i dnt think they wud print it in educational books and that too for school :P they are coke and marijuana leaves :P
yamini, u did a work on stone age?? must be fun, aint it?? yeah just for a change, my mind is not working in the normal way these days :P
Vinnie darlin, so u dnt wana live long after marriage?? :P
mind is all screwed up re.. work , work and work :((
Karmanna, glad u liked it :) hwz u?
LSL, glad u liked it.. btw, did ya check the post i put on V day.. sorry i din mention about u celebrating the singleton week :(
Mithe, its always a pleasure :P u take care..
Ria, glad u liked it :)
Kajal, things are meant to be spoken softly :) u take care..
pratzi, glad u liked it :P
Veni, sure cant imagine that.. :P but if u wer born before internet was invented, u dont have to imagine about it :P
Aathi, glad u liked it :)
Arunima, lol yeah i gues so :P u take care..
Seno, i still hope for the best :P
Aniket, thats a very thought provoking line. thnx for sharing it :)
LGL, welcome here.. glad u liked the post :) and long live the stoned age?? :P u really think "long live" and "dope" go together?? thts called heights of optimism :P
i remember my Social science book !
having same pictures..
stone age is sumthing i want to b in..i m not kidding..
just look u dont hv to wrk a tension and all fun :P
well interesting post anil..!
Amrita, god knows if they were tension free or not.. we wud go to tht era thinking that it is tension free and then realize that no era was/is tension free :P
glad u liked it Amrita :)
MAN was always a JUNKY. :)
:) 1.actually, what i think is that life seems really long without dope..
2. i love your blog picture of yourself. It creates a delicious visual illusion… sawan between the lines. :)
3. thank you for loving the header pic. It is one of my favourite paintings, by my favourite painter, VanGogh. Don't you think it goes nicely with the name of my blog? If you like his work, you’ll find more among the paintings on the side of my posts
no yaar i did saw it in my books..the very first chapter in primary school consisted of stone age era..
wats keeping u busy these days?u didn't cmmnt on my new post :(
Ha....that was hilarious...Stone Age and Stoned Age!!!
I wouldn't wanna be part of any of them :P
Take Care
Keshi, oh yeah, he sure was :P
LGL, agree to ur first point.. ter were times when i had the same thought :P
wow, ive never thought about the picture that way!! u seem to be really very creative!!
u got a taste in painting as well?? mann, i am loving to be known by you :P
Swati, ill do it today, promise.. work life is too hectic tht i dnt usually get time to check blogs during weekdays :( naaraz mat ho yaar..
Akshat, i dnt mind to bepart of stoned age :P after all, every one wud be real and wudn fake once stoned :P
given my current state of mind, i confess i didnt understand this post...
had a great interest in history at school. i remember there was this teacher who nick named me as Miss Archeologist :P
Meher, given ur curent state of mind, i wish i talk to u in person.. since thats not possible i wish to atlst tlk to u over net.. so come online soon.
A good post of info. :))) Stone age and Stoned age,LOL, nice one!
Saranya, :P some times weird thoughts haunt us :P
A tag for you in my blog :-)
anki, would do it soon :)
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