[picture courtesy : Catherine ]
the summer heat parched the clay
God on a prosaic mind!
barren land and dry wood
awaiting the drizzle of life!
sky darkened above the hills
mist engulfed the glade
clouds appeared as angels
draped in those sensuous dishabille!
dark and dreary, envisioning rain
the forest stood aspiring life!
nature's subtle way of explaining
dark could signify life!
Not every dark phase in your life is a punishment. Some makes you learn and some helps you grow. Face your life as it comes, the darker strokes could make the final picture more beautiful!
read my bro's take on shadows and light here
Wow...beauiful poetry anil..liked it and I completely agree.Afterall everything happens for a reason.Today or later we will come to know why whatever happened,happened:)
Nature definitely has a way of explaining life to us!
And how could we ever appreciate the light if we've never been through the dark. Only by experiencing these bleak situations can we grow in the light of life.
There's always a light at the end of every dark tunnel.
Your poem beautifully brings across how 'dark could signify life'. Lovely lines Anil :)
its lovely.. :)
so true :) The dark shades have actually taught me life,,,,,as the one right now is .so much so that I am falling in love with life,,,,,:)
Sooooo true!! The dark shades highlight the bright colours of your life...and they are as important as others...
Beautifully put :)
Btw...how come comments moderation suddenly O_O
And I'll let u know abt the CDs...i Have CDs, not DVDs...will those do?
hehe.. look who is speaking :P
my my.. so some one is moderating comments before publishing.. what happened dude.. some stalker ;)
I totally agree. If you take those dark phases in the right spirit you can learn helluva lot from them.
Whatever happens, happens for the good! :) Nicely written poem too...
realy nice message........ but still lost in darkness why.....????
stop living in the darkness n start smiling :).....
wowww anizie, it's insightful and so very beautiful at the same time.
what a beautiful way to explain that life is beautiful and every cloud has got a silver lining.
Some of the worst things in life are intended to make a person better not bitter.......so yes, darkness signifies life!
'Not every dark phase in your life is a punishment. Some makes you learn and some helps you grow. Face your life as it comes, the darker strokes could make the final picture more beautiful!'
take care dude!
Ah..true..very true..
A friend once told me, that it's better to be in an emotionally testing phase than be in a emotionally dead one..
oooh... me first?
actually, what i think is, darkness makes close your eyes and take stock. it makes you change your perception... and prepares you for a fresh burst of life...
can i hug you for writing ths one ? thank you!!
beautiful thought...very very true...
Very true!Very nicely said!
Now, I personally feel that there are no mistakes in life only lessons (Robin Sharma!). Every incident teaches you something good or bad which eventually helps you to grow.
Maybe one loses hope at that point but gradually when you are calm and collected again, reflect on it and you'll know that there was a reason and that the lesson is learnt!
Dark shades do have their own beauty. It intensifies the mood, the beauty of art/life.
a beautiful poem with a beautiful message!!!keep blogging!
'not every dark phase in ur phase is a punishment'
wow! i really love the optimism.
and the poem is awesome!!
Beautifully done, mate. Could relate it to what I had written a few days back.
Soul searching helps a lot.
What is darkness? Absence of light. Darkness does hide something. Ergo, the alluring, clandestine and enigmatic feel abt it.
Throw some light. Uncover the truth. Realize. After all, life is how we choose to see it. Loved the message you conveyed. Especially in that last stanza.
Let's link up each other's post. I'd love to. Just lemme know if you are fine with it too.
still searching ur depthness in the dark........ its undone........ recover n go see the blosoming colors of spring....
'Not every dark phase in your life is a punishment'
Great lines...it was worth landig here...
hey yaa, what u said is 100% true and yes we shd learn to face life as it comes...........btw Picture is beautiful!
Sawan, thank you for honoring my painting with your exquisite poem! You expressed well the underlying meaning of the image I think (and since it came from the darkness of my own consciousness, I get to declare these things :-). Thank you very much, Namaste Sawan
such a beautiful way to explain something so simple...something so usual...
and catherine the painting is beautiful as well
the last three lines were just so true and amazing....
I do not know why do not people consider Black a color. Like other bright colors, Black too, signifies Life.
nice... :)
lovely lines Sawan..!!!
i agree with you abt the dark phases of life...coz...i faced it once and i learnt lessons for a life time...!!!
beautifully expressed!
without darkness, there cant be a DAWN.
Nice poem....may everyone's life is full of sunshine : )
everyone writes poetry :|
only i cant!
dark is not necessarily negative, right? once we see the dark we learn to appreciate the light :)
Meera, right! u said it :) and you are the first here :) thnx for the prompt visit :)
when it rains, it sure does rain big time... hope it rains on her too.. good work bro
Yeah the darker strokes make the picture more beautiful...
Loved the post.
awesome poetry..and loved your last line..yes, the darker strokes definately make the picture more beautiful!!!
light is not so bright after all.....keep walking!!!
Very beautifully penned there.
And I cannot agree more to the lines written in the end.
Nonetheless, I still hope you are over the dark phase of your life.:)
margaret, that such a wonderful thought! m honored ny ur presence over here.. its always a pleasure to convey a msg and take lessons on that from people who think a lot. thnx margaret.
richa, thnx dear :)
aparna, ur words radiates positive vibes :) may ur love for life remain for ever. take care dear :)
smriti, some one seems like enjoying putting abusive comments on my posts no matter what the content is all about :) i cant promote anonymous abusive comments. ofcourse if he/she cud reveal is/her identiy and then abuse i wudn mind :) and hence the comment moderation. even i am not liking it, but got no option! cds wud do. i wana see it :(
maheep, bro, aise kyu bola yaar?
maheep, not exactly a stalker, but kinda yes. i dnt like anonymous hate msgs. if he/she dnst have the balls to reveal his/her identity, then why cant they stop putting those hate msgs :)
dhanya, thnx a lot dear :)
stuti, eh, not exactly lost in darkness :) the painting was done by Catherine, i just wrote my take on it :) thnx for the care dear :) u be happy too.
preetzie, thnx dear :) u know uve always been kind to me on ur words :)
rakesh, u said it bro! thnx for the visit :)
gauri, thnx a lot dear :) u take care too.. have fun :)
netika, ur friend happens to be a genius :) u take care girl. be happy always :)
LGL, oo, ur words are as important as the first dear, so no worries here :) had to put comment moderation for reasons said above.
LGL, nice take there. similar to the sleep preparing us to face the day! u take care girl :)
kajal, swthrt, u dnt have to take permission from me :P u take care girl.. m happy tht u wear a broad smile these days. keep tht on :) thnx to golu :)
priya, thnx dear :) hwz ya?
deepa, well said.. m happy i share some on ur thoughts :) thnx for the visit dear. u take care of urself. have fun :)
anwesa, thnx dear
tangerine, thnx a lot dear :)
kartz, bro, thnx a lot.. i dont know how to link up? give me the
link to ur post and i shal put it manually on mine. id love to do
tht bro :)
stuti, thts so sweeet of ya :) thnx a lot dear.
rashi, thnx dear :)
aruna, thnx for the read dear. the painting is done by Catherine.
She indeed is a beautiful artist! :)
namaste Catherine. its such an honor to have you here :) did i
tellyou i just lved that painting? :P u have a nice time dear :)
take care of urself.
jahnabi, thnx a lot dear :)
ria, thnx for your words dear :)
LSL, black is also considered as a color dear, but a color for
death or insanity! in religious symbolism black is associated with
death. check this site:
maybe that wud help you know why black is assiciated with death
rather than life.
Mariyam, thnx dear :)
yamini,life has always been a learning session right? thnx dear :)
keshi darlin, u r right :) thnx dear :)
veni, thts so sweet of ya! thnx dear :)
lena darlin, u write stories and amazing ones :)right, i told ya, u r a genius :P
chris, thnx for the wishes sir.. not sure who the "her" is :)
harshita, thnx dear :)
rahul, thnx bro :)
anorak, lets see what this walk offers me further in ma life :) thnx for the visit bro.
isha, thanx a lot dear. and do we really get over the dark phase for ever? :P its agian a roller coaster, aint it? m happy now is all i cud say! thnx again dear. u have a grt time :)
stuti, have send u a mail to ur yahoo id. check tht and reply.
aisa isiliye bola ke you always keep on sulking and then you are preaching about dark phases and to come out of that ;)
I agree on that anonymous bit.. creeps are every where.. so cant help it.. but you must be happy.. tumne guru dekhi hai na.. "agar log tumhari burai karna start kare to samjho tum bade aadmi ho gaye ho.. " so getting love and hate messages are part of being a celebrity dude !!
maheep, nnothing like tht bro. i cant say tht ive never been sulky, but yes, ive overcome it :) life is fulof ups and downs, aint it. m sure tht i cud handle those sulky moments more efficiently now :D so i cud definitely preach, cant i? :P
Wowww bro !!! So aptly put.... Te darker strokes r prob te most definin ones in our lyf thoh v seldom realize it !!! :)
maheep, oh my.. so thats an honor!! :P lol. acha hein.. i liked tht perception :D
Swapna, aww swthrt, m so happy to cya here :) u said it swts. m happy u agree to it :)
Thanks for the lovely reply comment. I'd be honoured too to get your views on my "Spring" post, hope to see you over there :)) take care...
Sorry i am so late reading this .. but this was just so much awesome !! loved it :)
Prfound though Anil...And such beautifully written...good yaar
u r really an amazing poet!! Simply awesome Sawan!
margaret, i came there :) it is beautiful :)
Pratzi, thnx dear :)
Diana, thnx yaar :)
saranya, thts such an honor dear . thnx :)
Thanks a lot for your lovely comment..Yes you are absolutely correct that my heart is full of love and I am a very romantic person thats why my shayaris will be romantic and also sad.
Your each and every poem is excellent..I appreciate for your talent in writing..By reading your poems I also felt that your heart is also full of love..Keep writing.
babli, thts so sweet of you :) m sure you would be having a wonderful family with you. its such an honor to get such a luvly comment from some one who writes so well!
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